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Vietnam-UK Institute for Research & Executive Education in Da Nang and 4 technology companies agree to promote cooperation
Người đăng tin: Ngày đăng tin: 01/09/2021 Lượt xem: 3

Vietnam-UK Institute for Research & Executive Education in Da Nang and 4 technology companies namely One Tech Stop Vietnam, Hekate, Selly and Papagroup, have agreed to promote their cooperation in the field in a recent virtual meeting.

The school and the four companies will develop a new partnership on technology to strengthen collaboration.

Under their agreement, the four technology companies will provide consultations and recommendations for Vietnam-UK Institute for Research & Executive Education to support the school’s efforts in developing its training programs, especially courses in computer science and engineering, data science, and more.

The partnership will create more opportunities for students of Vietnam-UK Institute for Research & Executive Education in Da Nang to make site visits to the four reputable technology companies, as well as help them develop real-world skills through internships in order to meet the requirements of their future jobs in domestic and international labour markets.

(Source: https://baodanang.vn/english/)

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